Monday, July 28, 2008

first time

For 111 A and G:

Hello students. :) I'll be out for a week. But you have to work on your Second Minor Essay while I'm away. Note that we won't have a class on Monday, Aug 4.

I need you to think of a FIRST TIME. (Haha!) Perhaps your first time to eat durian? Or your first time to cross the street? How about your first time to see a horror movie? Think of something true to your experience. A hilarious first time. A memorable first time. From the boring to the most daring. :)
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1. Choose one mode of paragraph development. The long list includes the following: narration, description, illustration/example, definition, compare/contrast, division/classification, and causal analysis.
2. Write a 350-500 word essay about a first time using your chosen mode of paragraph development.
3. On the upper right hand corner of your paper, please write your name, course and year, section and the date you will submit your paper for grading (which happens to be Aug 6).
4. Kindly use Tahoma, size 12. Keep a margin of one inch on all sides. Double-spaced.
5. Do not forget to abide by the basic expectations in the presentation of a good written output e.g. indention, capitalization, punctuation....
6. Be loyal to your chosen mode of paragraph development. Say, if you have chosen description as your mode, the entire essay must resonate descriptive-ness as the dominant impression.
7. For 111-G, I left lecture notes about modes of paragraph development with Elshad, please see him if you wish to have a copy of it.
8. The deadline is on Wednesday, August 6.
9. Do well.
10. Questions? Just post it here.

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